Happy meal

Alf IB 1,2,3 bubbles 1,2,3, bubbles 1,2,3 bubbles

let's have some tuna fish

I can't believe it

But the cargolove blog has been updated.




Greetings from DK

45 relaxing minutes

Tales From The Rails

As the 1980's came to an end so did the graffiti on New York City's subway trains. During this same era graffiti writers were just beginning to discover the possibilities of painting America's freight-train system.
In 1992, filmmaker M. Nielsen began documenting this phenomenon. For this video he has captured hundreds of classic works from coast to coast recorded interviews with the likes of T. Favin and Yen 34; and documented live 'missions' with such writers as Monk, Keot, Ewok, Rehab and Kon. Shot in color and B&W Super 8 film, Hi-8 video and 35mm photographs; Tales From The Rails is a presentation of the 'Freight Movement' filmed over an 8 year time span and shot in the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Some of the artists whose works appear in this movie are: Sane, Smith, Lady Pink, Sento, Sien 5, Key, Cavs, Poet, Hush, Free 5, Muze, Monk, Spone, Ryze, Alert, Kept, Ewok, Yen 34, Much, Cycle, Power, Gkae, Haze, Bles, Porn, King 157 and many more! Music excavated by A. Broder.

old times new, new times old

via streetfiles

Hesht Geo Spair Skoo NOFX Alf21

spot of color

Astre Loofy

from swiss to norway

The same panel spottet in different countries.

In the swiss countryside

and in the norwegian plains Vomit

skoo - someone really rediculous; someone in the act of doing something odd; goober

A man knocking on someone's door when he knows that no one's home.
Ebir TRR

a hidden backyard wall

Dizzy PVC Kripoe THE TG

Riding the rails

Watch the full episode. See more American Experience.

"At the height of the Great Depression, more than 250,000 teenagers were living on the road in America."
This documentary portraits old men and women who ran away from home as a teenager in order to find work or adventures on the railroads in america in the 1930s.
It contains very impressive footage of landscapes and the former life circumstances of teenage hobos and their reasons to hop on the trains.
Even one of them still rides them at an age around 80.

length: 52min.
language: american english

The full episode


A freshly sprayed piece? Fresh people at all and fresh
music and in conclusion a refreshment
for your ears, eyes and soul.
Stay loving.

Schwerer Bahnunfall auf der Strecke Karlsruhe-Basel: Ein Güterzug mit Gefahrgut ist entgleist. Gebäude um den Bahnhof der badischen Kleinstadt Müllheim wurden evakuiert - aus Angst vor Explosionen.

"Es traten größere Mengen des Erdöl-Teer-Gemisches Bitumen und der chemischen Verbindung Natriumchloracetat aus. Dies ist nach Angaben der Feuerwehr leicht entzündlich und gesundheitsgefährdend."


shake in

Geo NOFX Barto Iloveyou