passing by
Splat Splat17

Mr. Simpsons workspace. 7 days online. from now on.

I scream for icecream

Remember- tomorrow is the official beginning of summer. Hoepfully it'll be sunny and hot like the Hesht fill in elements.

Self criticism

A drive by shooting from the inside of the S- Bahn in Berlin. Yo Stephan!


A new update of Wipeout 1 is to be found on
Let yourself impress by the graphic elements which are mingled together with bigger color fields. Indeed it is unreadable but it has the 90s playstation game touch - bright colors hit the rusty freight surface and create a huge contrast. The viewer is confronted with a feeling of dynamic and variety of the drawn components.
Equally to the destination of the freight trains the lines also change their direction from the horizontal to the vertical and back.


Lift me up

It's never the same old story, yet the same sequence of mechanical noises, squeaks, and violent smash-ups. All meticulously orchestrated by the railway guards who slowly operate the machine. It's especially the feeling, always as intense. We are stashed here in the penultimate wagon of the long procession that carries us through the night.
More information here on thefourthdimension


Im Gleisbett leise is a new publishing by the Beerbird press. It features 51 photos taken in the period between 2008 and 2012 showing transience, abandonment and railroad landscape. It is handmade and contains 54 pages. You can order one of the 30 copies via mail at

Eaos-x is not a 80s darkwave band

A Woodlum called Aztie or Artie CTS on a so called "Schrottkiste". The photo was taken in early spring 2012.

dark and white clouds

Typography and creativity workshop with Magic, Kix, Kripoe, and Spair


Hi folks, unfortunately the old e-mail on the tiny webspace does not work anymore as it should. I couldn't receive e-mails with an attachment bigger than 4mb. How prehistorical. So i created a new address- And it is true, I'm waiting for your flicks and stories.

have a nice Pfingsten!

Nots doin some noyz on the tarpaulin of his choice. Pra.

monikers @ work

in Diamonds and Rust, USA 2010-2011 on super 8. Markers sprawl.

Dann arbeite ich bei der Eisenbahn,

was ich, wie ich jetzt erkenne, in meinen Träumen seit Jahren für die Barrostook Crock & Crane R.R. getan habe, die zweiseitig östlich und westlich von Lowell nach Lynn und ähnlichen Plätzen entlang trockenem, fast mexikanischen Wüstenboden verläuft, vorbei an verloren wirkenden Bahnwärterhäuschen, die Straße zu irgendeinem überdimensionalen Boston - jetzt bin ich fast in Kalifornien, und Cody und mein Vater vermischen sich zu einen Übervater-Image der Anklage, sie sind wütend auf mich, weil ich meinen Vorortzug, meinen Frachtzug verpasst hab, ich hab das Mutter-Image irgendwo in der Vergangenheit versaut, hab was Kindisches getan (der kleine Junge schreibt im Zimmer) und dabei ganze Waggonladungen von Männern aufgehalten - schließlich komm ich an den Schienenstrang, doch inzwischen rollt der Frachtzug so schnell vorbei, dass ich mich nicht mehr trau zu springen - ein verbissener Pop-Cody ist bereits an der Arbeit, in seiner eigenen hoffnungslos verlorenen Nacht mag alles draufgehen, aber bei Jesus Christus, wenn es Zeit ist an die Arbeit zu gehen - dann sind da noch wütende Matrosengesichter auf Schiffen, ich hab an der Pumpe Mist gebaut. W.C. Fields im Overall eines Weichenstellers bei den Schienen, die puppengleichen Bremser springen auf den Zug - ich bleib zurück und steh dumm da mit meinen eigenen Sorgen - steck bis zum Hals fest in meiner eigenen dumpfen Trau...
Text by Jack Kerouac

Exit the void


Area Code O-1092

Skoo Loofy

Greetings from Slovakia

Hi Cargo addicts, I received a mail with a very interesting attachment.
Have fun, stay vivid and your stuff will be found in Czech too.
Here is the quoted text:
"Hi Cargocolor, i´m sending you couple of pictures to your hitparade. Taken on
a saturday trip somewhere in czech where we unexpectedly found area full of
german wagons of the AAE with few colored ones amongs them.
The reason why the wagons are at this place, standing there for already couple
of months, previously sent from slovakia and obviously kept in good condition
is a question. Maybe they are about to get some more paint and change the owner.
Anyway bullo+barto in one row, i love u in another."

If you also have a nice story to tell, feel free to let us know and send a mail.
I'll post it within the next weeks. Promised!

Barto Iloveyou TD2F

slow mo trans wagg on

mark your area right

Hesht Akim Trazy Barto Iloveyou
Lost Iloveyou
Daze Shiv DTA