

Artists and craftsmen

DTA KES Vomit Nots


"Ein ganz normaler Atze macht ganz normale Sachen
Er kann locker Party machen und auf alles andre kacken
Wir lassen uns nicht unterkriegen, wir sind Atzen
Pioneers auf Techno-Rap, deine Braut kann es nicht fassen
Ich liebe es zu tanzen, gute Laune ist ein Muss
Ich heb die Arme in die Luft und klopf mit Fäusten auf die Brust
Das ist Zicke Zacke Hühnerkacke, Fitze Fatze, Ritze Ratze
Alles was ich bin, ist ein ganz normaler Atze."

DJ Manny Marc

Give me a sign

is it VAV?
River, mountain, river and 4 honeybees?
2 Boobies?
4 dots and 5 Stripes?
a freight gang sign? the LAL Gang?

Well i don't know, but i have seen this sign a lot of times.


Enjoy the spring, with a rave in the woods.

Space invaders pixel sound

Unfortunately in a bad quality, but somebody filmed (for the first time on youtube in germany i guess) graffiti on freight trains passing by. I hope that more will follow in a better quality, it's quite interesting if there is at least at every wagon a panel.
There are a lot of youtube-train-nerds who film the trains, but no one focuses on graffiti as well as this guy did.

Back to the video: you see panels by Ridim, Pusher, Enemy, Oslo

The 2nd video features: Buda, Frei, Pusher, DBF

love is for everyone.Dusk.youngsterHiphopGs

Big flash gets tha cash
Low blow's fuckin' your hoe.

Freight Magazin out now.

The freight Magazin has arrived. It includes 40 pages of painted freights and a dvd with a run time of 40 minutes.

A lot actions of Debil Frei Budha and some more are shown on the DVD. E2e, a lot of panels, wholecars and some T2B are represented.
You will also learn new forms of posing in front of your pieces. Surprise!
The DVD features a TWC special, i guess it is a crew from eastern europe. You see them painting and former communist industrialized buildings in the background.
The Soundtrack features funk and oldschool hiphop and some form of music between house and hiphop. I never heard ODB in a house track.
To draw a conclusion, there are still thousands of freights running which where never noticed- the whole project to portrait the painted steel is so expandable.
The freight magazin outlines the freight writing culture in a very respectable form from another point of view. It sticks close to the tradition of hiphop-graffiti and is not comparable to zines like "Güterzug".
Lets be curious for the next issue of the freight magazin. Every beginning is hard.

be quick it is limited to 100 copies!!!order it here. 12 Euronen
"buy now or cry later." Yo Sir.


Can you see the small crunk panel? it is hidden below the transwaggon type.

Are the two turbines destinated for a atomic plant? Myterious...

Dangerous and sportive

no homework

Sope and Tosel in style combat on a tarpaulin wagon.

time for a little game

20:00 - 10:00


Die Lokführergewerkschaft GDL will noch am Mittwochabend mit einem Streik im Güterverkehr beginnen. Der bundesweite Ausstand soll um 20 Uhr starten.

Ein Sprecher der Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer (GDL) bestätigte in Frankfurt entsprechende Informationen des Rundfunks Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB). Zur Dauer machte der Sprecher keine Angaben. "Mögliche weitere Maßnahmen werden wir wie immer zwölf Stunden vorher ankündigen."

Der Chef des GDL-Bezirks Berlin-Sachsen-Brandenburg, Frank Nachtigall, hatte dem RBB zuvor erklärt, der Streik solle bis Donnerstagmorgen 10 Uhr dauern.

Die GDL fordert von der Deutschen Bahn sowie deren sechs wichtigsten Konkurrenten (G-6) einen bundesweit gültigen Flächen-Tarifvertrag. In einer Urabstimmung sprachen sich die Mitglieder der Gewerkschaft für einen unbefristeten Streik aus. Die GDL kündigte an, schwerpunktmäßig im Güterverkehr streiken zu wollen. Auch der Personenverkehr solle aber betroffen sein.

what is on the left side??


If i take a look at this picture, i ask myself:

When was it done?

From which country is this?

In which circumstances was it done?

Bubbling around europe

juvenile leisure activities

acry -what a railway poet when he wrote: "Sex drugs and graffiti".

Colorful vs. colorfool

DTA Hesht Angst Kripoe THE TG Shiv Vomit


one golden nugget


"I'm not there, i'm gone."

i love you

Atze Fresse Tmek Luigi Berlin 2:Corus86 Kolben

Monikers go far

A new update on http://iaisboxcarart.blogspot.com/ also with a Moniker from 1984.