Die Zerlegung von Fremdkoerpern check the video for the prosarap performance from dr. lu which was first performed live at the releaseparty for our third issue.

Cargocolor, freight, rap, performance, seb lukus
Klasse Recordings Grafiti Tapes #4

Jazz NTC



Some Cargocolor Nummerdrei still available at:
Moar RHB
Broa REZ
Mayhem forever freight train ride named shimmns
Rally LAPD
Discotheques, the symbol of 80s and 90s hedonism, were fake marble temples adorned with Greek statues made of gypsum, futuristic spaces of gigantic size, large enough to contain the dreams of success, money, fun of thousands people. And then the dreams are gon, people disappeared snd nightclubs became abandoned wreck... Antonio Lagrotta — Paradise-discotheque